Six Key Elements to Effective Marketing Postcards

Six Key Elements to Effective Marketing Postcards

Getting a great response from your marketing mailer typically comes down to two key components:

  1. Targeting the right customers
  2. Giving those customers a message they will read and act on.

When designing a postcard we recommend you follow these simple marketing guidelines to have a better chance of engaging your customers.

1 Use an Eye Catching Graphic

Use an eye catching graphic, a photo of the people at your business works well if the business is photogenic. If the business is not photogenic or if the theme of the postcard is about an product try to use a graphic that will elicit a positive reaction from your target market. If you are mailing senior citizens for example, you will be well served to use a photo of a senior or of a grandchild. Sending a postcard to a senior citizens home with a young happy couple on the front may lead the recipient to think the message is for someone else.

2 Make the Business Name Standout

Use the Business name at the top of the postcard with the phone number if possible. You may be surprised at how many postcards get mailed that break this simple rule. If the customer can’t associate the message with the business then you have wasted your marketing budget.

3 Tell the Consumer Why They Should Show with You

Give the customer a reason to spend money with you. Important: The WHY on the postcard should be part of the business unique’s selling proposition, not the price or the special. They why is always why your special, the low price or special offer is the icing on the cake.

4 When does the offer expire or how many are available?

Scarcity sells – people fear missing out on a great deal. Always set an expiration date or a limit on the number of the offers that are available.

5 Plan for the Postcard Address Label and Stamp

Leave room for an address label, postage and of course a return address. If your printer is printing your addresses directly to the postcard be sure to verify how much space they will need. If you are using sticky labels, be sure you have enough room for the label without laying the label over part of your message.

Pre-sorted mail with a bar code has special requirements. Please get your postcard approved by your mail house (or us) first.

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